Black Friday for one day? More like WICKED WEEK 😈📦 - GET 30% OFF your order for 7 Days Straight

WICKED WEEK (7-DAY Black Friday Sale) on
It's the autumn shopping season already?!
2019 just might be the biggest Black Friday year, in history...
Get that Wishlist ready.
Event Info

Starting Monday, November 25th, at 12:00am
Ending Sunday, December 1st, at 11:59pm
30% OFF - The Entire Wicked Tender Catalog
Have you found your own 'wicked look' yet?


Bags & Carries - Leather & Clutches


CLICK HERE (or the icon below) to add the Sale Event to your calendar.
The Wickedest of Online Shopping Sprees on Black Friday, 2019 😎
Another year brings another rush towards the checkout line for some amazing shopping deals at the end of November. This mad rush is going to hit stores and services around the globe for what might be the biggest shopping frenzy in history,. Every single year, Black Friday gets bigger and bigger. And 2019 is no different.
With all of the mayhem going on, it's hard to keep track of all of the great deals available for online shoppers. That's why we created this event invite, so you can get an easy reminder when the time comes. And even though we wanted to make sure we were taking part in the sale, this year we are bringing Black Friday to you with a tender twist.
Now, this offer is in *ADDITION* to the items that will be already on sale at that time. We wanted to make sure that the Wicked Tender community got the absolute most out of this years worldwide Black Friday sale on November 29th, 2019. So we are going ahead and giving everyone seven Black Fridays for that entire week, starting Monday.
The 'Skeleton Queen' in Action

Up until December 1st 2019 at 11:59pm, you will receive 30% off of your order. This applies to the *entire* collection.
Wether your Black Friday is about grabbing that magical pair sunglasses on your wish list in preparation for next spring and summer seasons, or maybe you just *need* to have a new watch, or leather bag, right *now*… We will be ram stocked with lots of new amazing choices and styles, for the tender hearts in our community.
The 'Starry Eyed Sky' gleams the tender eye.

The clock ticks down toward this epic shopping date. So we thought we would post this message in order to give you a friendly heads up about our Black Friday sale. Because if you are looking to infuse some style into your everyday routine this season, or prepare some polish for that special event at the end of this year, we hear you - we are *here* for you.
Fashion and style are important to us, because they are important to you.
We are all about *you* making a big impact on your surroundings. Whether that be people, places, or pictures online. Through your expression of self, and your reflection in the tender eyes of others, we all want to be seen - we are all meant to be seen. Our mission is to make sure that you are also remembered.
Stylish PU Leather Travel Backpack for those on the go.
Prepare that wishlist! The link to your personal wish list is at the top of the page, and the little floating heart at on the bottom right. In between now and WICKED WEEK, you can peruse and explore our collections to see what you'd like on the day.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
We've taken extra time to provide special care this year.
The most tender service for your online shopping needs
And with such an exciting moment for the community, we also want to make sure that we are providing an exceptionally tender service for our shoppers. Shipping will remain free, worldwide, for the duration of WICKED WEEK. Here is a snippet of our shipping and tracking policy to help you if you need it.
⚫️ Shipping is FREE - worldwide.
⚫️ If you have any issues please EMAIL US:
⚫️ You can track your order once it is received by your courier.
⚫️ If you item is damaged or broken (it happens!), please contact us. We want to work out any issue with you, as quickly as we can. Because we love our community!
⚫️ Let us know if you would like to show off your purchase! We will share you with our social media channels, and tag you in our post of you!
See more information on our Shipping & Tracking page.
The Chill Medium - A Tender Eyes Curation
We thought... that you might have thought, that you were cool...
See you on November 25th 😘!
Looking forward to seeing you, and again, reach out to us if you want to get some more information on the event or a specific item.
And if you have not already subscribed to our community, please do so, we will be sending out friendly reminders for the week, and showcasing some of the newest and most popular product choices that our community has chosen to spotlight.
By the end of it, we want you looking in the mirror saying… “How dare I….”
Have a great week babes 💋.
- The Wicked Tender Team
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