Becoming Royal This Fall - Finding Your Unique Aesthetic During These Intense Times
The winners have been chosen!
And participation rewards are on the way 😍!
Thank you so much for participating in this year's Queen Of The Fall contest!
The transition from our summer season to the fall is always mired with critical decision making. Whether that be the hectic planning of our year's end wishes.... (I need that new pair of shades for New Years Eve!), or the filling of our hearts with hope for a better annum in the future (falling in love?), this year is no different. In fact this year has been one of the most intense in our lives. And it is one that we are all sharing.
So we here at Wicked Tender just want you to know, that if you are still holding onto that tiny thread of hope in your heart, wishing for better days, know that we are right behind you, holding onto that thread with you. We understand your vision. One that is desperately looking for a dimly lit spark, on the horizon of time. One that we can all share. One that will ignite a better future.
Let's find our spark again in 2021. Let us all realize that holding onto this light, and staying loyal to our hearts, means embracing a royal feeling of love, and is where we should all start. This passion, this feeling, this show... must go on!!!!
Stay Safe & Chat Soon Babe 💋❤️
-The Wicked Tender Team
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